Payroll Software
Payroll software is the complete application for simple and efficient management of payroll and personnel administration, it is an optimal tool for both SMEs and large multinational companies.
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Inaz Monthly Checks Dashboard is a tool to perform a check and a verification before the closing of the coupons in order to be able to intercept any errors or omissions subject to the 18 checks.
The software allows you to have at a glance a situation of the controls carried out and to be carried out, remaining always updated. The exportability and the convenient Excel format of the files allow you to entrust the verification work to other collaborators, while continuing to proceed with your own business activities.
It is aimed at payroll managers, payroll specialists, employment consultants
The program, which can be activated as an option in the Payroll procedure, allows the verification and validation* of the processed monthly data, proceeding as an extraction and subsequent verification of the same with respect to the processing of the previous month or considering the congruity of the data processed for the month in question.
(*) this is the moment in which the operator considers the check to be concluded and ticks the result as validated
The software is available in:
Monthly Checks Dashboard is an optional program that can be activated in the Inaz Payroll procedure.
Payroll software is the complete application for simple and efficient management of payroll and personnel administration, it is an optimal tool for both SMEs and large multinational companies.
The software is the easiest way to manage staff attendance, it takes care of both traditional and web and intranet management.
Personnel Budget software is an application for Personnel Cost Planning and Control strategies.
INAZ srl Soc. Unipersonale
Viale Monza 268, 20128 MILAN
P. Vat 05026960962
Milan Business Register nr 05026960962
Share capital Euro 1,000,000 fully paid up.
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INAZ srl Soc. Unipersonale
Viale Monza 268, 20128 MILAN
P. Vat 05026960962
Milan Business Register nr 05026960962
Share capital Euro 1,000,000 fully paid up.
✓ | Technical |
x | Third parties |
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