Payroll Software
Payroll software is the complete application for simple and efficient management of payroll and personnel administration, it is an optimal tool for both SMEs and large multinational companies.
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Sickness Certificates Acquisition is the system for automated management of workers’ sickness certificates by companies.
The software allows you to automate and speed up the processes of managing staff sickness certificates.
The solution responds to the law that, starting from September 2011, has extended also to the private sector the telematic mode of issue and transmission of employees’ sickness certificates, directly on the PEC (Certified Electronic Mail) box of the Employer.
Inaz software for the management of medical certificates includes InfoCert’s Legal Mail PEC, acquires in real time and fully automatically the sickness certificates sent by Inps, performs checks, congruence checks and feeds the attendance management and payroll processing procedures. The solution for acquiring sickness certificates contains data search functions and specific reporting, compatible with the most common office automation tools.
It’s a solution that allows you to:
The software is available in:
The solution:
Sickness Certificates Acquisition is a fully integrated system with Infocert Legalmail Certified E-Mail.
Payroll software is the complete application for simple and efficient management of payroll and personnel administration, it is an optimal tool for both SMEs and large multinational companies.
The Employee Portal is the collaborative platform that facilitates and promotes communication and information sharing within the organization.
Inaz Monthly Checks Dashboard is a tool to perform a check and a verification before the closing of the coupons in order to be able to intercept any errors or omissions subject to the 18 checks.
INAZ srl Soc. Unipersonale
Viale Monza 268, 20128 MILAN
P. Vat 05026960962
Milan Business Register nr 05026960962
Share capital Euro 1,000,000 fully paid up.
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INAZ srl Soc. Unipersonale
Viale Monza 268, 20128 MILAN
P. Vat 05026960962
Milan Business Register nr 05026960962
Share capital Euro 1,000,000 fully paid up.
✓ | Technical |
x | Third parties |
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