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The Italian Red Cross is the most important national humanitarian association in Italy today. A public law body with international prerogatives, it provides health and social assistance in both times of peace and conflict. It is placed under the high patronage of the President of the Republic, under the supervision of the State and under the control of the Ministry of Health and Defense. Member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, its areas of intervention are mainly related to help in case of humanitarian emergencies, Italian and international, first aid service on the national territory, health and social welfare activities in support of young people in difficulty, the elderly, homeless people.
The original nucleus of the Italian Red Cross dates back to 1864, when the first Committee of the Italian Association for Relief to the Wounded and Sick in War was established in Milan. Since then, other activities have gradually been added, from the fight against tuberculosis and malaria to support in situations of natural disasters, up to social welfare services.
The C.R.I. is today structured in committees: the central committee, based in Rome, is headed by regional, provincial and local committees. The capillary diffusion of local offices, endowed with decision-making capacity and direct responsibility in management and administration, constitutes the strength of the association.
Above all, such a branched structure needed to map the entire organizational structure, historicizing it over time, and keeping it up to date. At the same time, it was important to find a solution to eliminate the huge amount of paper material produced by the abundant flow of communication between the peripheral nodes and the central office. In addition, the Red Cross needed to accurately track the frequency of courses taken by staff at local sites.
The Italian Red Cross uses the full suite of Inaz solutions for personnel administration and management. The integration of the Human Resources application with the modules, Budget del Personale,, Trasferte.web and with the Business Intelligence tools has improved the organizational and operational processes, significantly increasing the efficiency of daily actions.
More than 14,000 positions have been recorded, including permanent and fixed-term employees, military personnel, recalled military personnel, terminations, etc. For civilian personnel rehired on a temporary basis, it was possible to memorize previous employment relationships, with specific data such as the type of classification.
The module manages the organization of the courses, the registration of the organizational needs of the periphery, the financial commitment to be supported. Particular attention is paid to the management of health teaching, in order to have relevant information: which and how many courses are supported, by whom (volunteers, members, nurses…), in each local location.
The Human Resources application also manages the process of the causes of service: the arrival of the diagnosis, medical examinations, periodic checks, closure of the cause, date of the measure, etc.
The Employee Portal eliminates most paper communications. But not only that, through the innovative Inaz solution it is possible:
INAZ srl Soc. Unipersonale
Viale Monza 268, 20128 MILAN
P. Vat 05026960962
Milan Business Register nr 05026960962
Share capital Euro 1,000,000 fully paid up.
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INAZ srl Soc. Unipersonale
Viale Monza 268, 20128 MILAN
P. Vat 05026960962
Milan Business Register nr 05026960962
Share capital Euro 1,000,000 fully paid up.
✓ | Technical |
x | Third parties |
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