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In today’s economic framework, aims and means are too often confused. There is a risk of losing sight of the centrality of man and the dimension of the common good. To overcome this difficult moment, in the ordinary times we are living, it is increasingly important to recover the dimension of the spirit that differentiates the human being from all other living beings on earth. An economic and business paradigm shift is needed where the spiritual dimension is recovered, in the intelligence of knowing and the will to act.
INAZ srl Soc. Unipersonale
Viale Monza 268, 20128 MILAN
P. Vat 05026960962
Milan Business Register nr 05026960962
Share capital Euro 1,000,000 fully paid up.
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INAZ srl Soc. Unipersonale
Viale Monza 268, 20128 MILAN
P. Vat 05026960962
Milan Business Register nr 05026960962
Share capital Euro 1,000,000 fully paid up.
✓ | Technical |
x | Third parties |
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