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Digital Archiving Document archiving and electronic storage

Simplifying the process of digitizing and preserving business records

Docu-Inaz: the document management tool for personnel administration

Docu-Inaz software is a time- and cost-saving service for digital storage and substitute storage of business documents.

The Docu-Inaz software is a useful application for companies to replace paper files with digital files, manage the Personnel File, the Single Book of Labor and obtain substitute storage on the basis of current regulations.

The solution is modular and covers both the simple digital storage of the Libro Unico del Lavoro and thedigital archiving of all company documents.

Managing the digital preservation of documents means having instant access to corporate archives, the platform is multi-user and you can take advantage of an advanced search system without duplication and classification.

Digital archiving: The features

Docu-Inaz is the application that allows you to:

  • digitize business archives
  • manage the Personnel File and the Single Book of Labour
  • store documents according to current regulations

Digital archiving: the methods of delivery

Simple and quick to install, the software is available in:

  • License
  • ASP
  • Outsourcing

The advantages

Digital document archiving software ensures complete and simultaneous access to business information, increased efficiency, and cost and time savings. The application also guarantees:

  • Speed document search through a centralized, enterprise-wide repository and simple, immediate search through advanced search filters
  • Security and confidentiality through access to business documents according to clearly defined roles and permissions
  • Reduction of filing and classificationcosts of documents also in terms of time saving
  • Increased efficiency through comprehensive workflow management and multi-user viewing and sharing of documents

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Want to learn more? Ask for information

INAZ SRL Società Unipersonale will use the data concerning you exclusively for the management of your request and will be processed electronically in accordance with EU Regulation 2016/679 and D. Lgs. 196/2003 and s.m.i.
Detailed information, also regarding the right of access and other rights, can be found in the privacy section.

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