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The HR Inaz Safety module provides a complete and up-to-date picture of the situation in the company in terms of safety at work and indicates all the critical issues and deadlines to be met. It is a comprehensive and high-performance workplace safety tool.
Health and safety at work must always be at the top of the concerns of companies in compliance with Legislative Decree no. 81 of April 9, 2008. Ensuring compliance with safety laws and regulations, assessing risks, monitoring deadlines and making sure that people are fully trained for the job they are going to do and in compliance with the medical examination schedule are all tasks that fall to the employer and on which there is no room for approximation.
HR Inaz – Health and safety is the module that provides an overview, in real time, of the situation in the company, and that indicates all the critical issues and deadlines to be met. Every aspect regarding the management of occupational safety and people is analyzed and monitored, Inaz’s occupational safety software analyzes:
Is the employee trained for the task I have assigned? There is a certain task to be done or certain substances to be handled: do I have the right people in the company to do it? Is each worker provided with the clothing and protective gear required for their role? Is everyone in good standing with medical examinations and mandatory training courses? HR INAZ – Health and safety is a precise and flexible dashboard that quickly answers all these questions, the occupational safety tool integrated into the HR Inaz software immediately compares the security needs with the actual situation, and allows for timely intervention.
The software is available in:
The Workplace Safety module integrates seamlessly with your personnel and training database and provides a complete overview, so you can prevent problems and ensure you’re always in control. Enterprise security management has never been easier!
Thanks to a completely web management and a very performing data navigation, all information will be accessible, from different points of view, and extractable through a powerful query engine.
HE Electronic Signature is the software dedicated to all companies that want to make their document signing process faster, more advanced and more secure.
HE CAR is the web application to plan and rationalize the costs of the company fleet.
The Training module allows you to manage everything related to corporate training: calendar commitments, providers, teachers and budget.
E-learning is a Learning Management System tool able to manage in a complete way the training of employees in the company thanks to training materials and tools.
HR’s “Staff Evaluation” module allows you to set up appraisal processes, talent development plans, career development and MBOs.
The Assets and Benefits module is the software dedicated to the management of corporate welfare, it allows you to coordinate the allocation of corporate tools and devices such as cars, corporate PCs, credit cards and so on.
The cloud platform with social features, designed to make Corporate Welfare feasible for all companies.
HE Connect is the Social Collaboration tool that allows you to easily and immediately manage staff communication in your company.
HE Analytics is an advanced HR reporting service that supports managers in their strategic decision-making processes by providing data-driven information.
INAZ srl Soc. Unipersonale
Viale Monza 268, 20128 MILAN
P. Vat 05026960962
Milan Business Register nr 05026960962
Share capital Euro 1,000,000 fully paid up.
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INAZ srl Soc. Unipersonale
Viale Monza 268, 20128 MILAN
P. Vat 05026960962
Milan Business Register nr 05026960962
Share capital Euro 1,000,000 fully paid up.
✓ | Technical |
x | Third parties |
INAZ SRL Società Unipersonale will use the data concerning you exclusively for the management of your request and will be processed electronically in accordance with EU Regulation 2016/679 and D. Lgs. 196/2003 and s.m.i.
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