Our network

The people of Inaz: professionals only

Inaz is composed of professionals who know the HR world and who know how to identify the right solutions and constantly assist each organization.

Our network

The people of Inaz: professionals only

Inaz is composed of professionals who know the HR world and who know how to identify the right solutions and constantly assist each organization.

The Inaz network

At Inaz, we know that people make a difference. That’s why our network on the ground is made up of sales professionals who know the HR world, can analyze needs and identify solutions that are truly useful for organizations of all sizes.
They are trustworthy and experienced people, with strong and in-depth relationships in the territories they belong to, who every day deal with HR directors and managers on the various issues related to personnel management and administration.
Collaboration, sharing, method, knowledge, experience and capacity for innovation are the characteristics of the people we put at the service of our park: in fact, we want our customers to be able to count on an exclusive network widely distributed throughout the territory for information, suggestions and problem solving.
The first contact that the market has with us is very important to us; for this reason we choose only professionals who have the appropriate passion and professionalism to develop and nurture positive relationships with our clients, who have specific skills to formulate solutions adapted to the needs of individual organizations, with a view to lasting, profitable and ever-growing relationships for all.
Inaz customers can rely on the innovative range of software and services in standard and customized packages. The support is constant through training activities (in the areas of tax, labor, social security, human resources) and the network of software support points, the center of after-sales support activities.


  • 600 experts

  • 4 research and development centers, Milan, Pisa, Prague and Vicenza

  • 40 agencies



Unique telephone number: 0332 270901

Ancona Via I° Maggio 25/A – 60131 ANCONA
Arezzo Via Donat Cattin, 133 – 52100 AREZZO

Via San Giovanni Bosco 60 – 24126 BERGAMO

Bologna Via Rimini 7 – 40131 BOLOGNA
Brescia Via Cassala 96 – 25126 BRESCIA
Cagliari Viale Regina Margherita, 33 – 09125
Como Via Napo Torriani 17/a – 22100 COMO
Firenze Via Panciatichi, 40 – 50127
Legnano Corso Sempione 169 – 20025 LEGNANO
Milano Viale Monza 268 – 20128 MILANO
Napoli Centro Direzionale Isola F10 – 80143 NAPOLI
Palermo Via Messina, 22 – 90141 PALERMO
Perugia Via Sicilia, 63 – 06128 PERUGIA
Pescara Strada della polveriera, 6 – 65129 PESCARA
Pisa Via Filippo Turati, 7 – 56125 PISA
Roma Via C. Colombo 112, 1° piano – 00147 ROMA
Torino Corso Orbassano 336 – 10137 TORINO
Treviso Viale G. Verdi 23 – 31100 TREVISO
Varese Via Lazio 4 – 21100 VARESE


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The portal dedicated to our customers